For Immediate Release Further Information Contact:
July 29, 1998 Steve McCauley 727-2424
Shalowitz works hard for final votes before August 4th Primary

    University City, MO- Howard Shalowitz, candidate for State Senator in the 24th district, continues his door-to-door campaign before the Tuesday, August 4th Primary. Shalowitz is unopposed in the primary and is using this opportunity to rally the Democratic loyalists behind him.

    "Since last October, I've been going city council meetings, and personally walking door-to-door throughout the district from University City to Creve Coeur and St. Ann to Overland," said Shalowitz.

    "Because of my hard work, I have the united support of all the Democratic Townships in the district. This is very important for not only the August 4th Primary, but will provide the necessary momentum going straight through to election day on November 3rd," said Shalowitz.

    "My opponents and I have received a proper education and have received awards in our fields, as we should, if we are to run for this office. But the issue is: not what awards we have won in the past or who sends out the most expensive fliers, but who is personally meeting the voters to find out what is on their mind and what vision we have for the future of the 24th District and the State of Missouri," said Shalowitz.

    The 24th District roughly covers from University City (east) to I-270 (west) Hazelwood (north) to Frontenac (south).